Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Graduate (1967)

 The Graduate
Everyone goes through a stage called graduation, either between high school and college or directly after college. During this time we try to figure out who we are exactly. As we watch this specific movie we follow a socially awkward young man, figure out who he is, his name is Ben. Ben is just out of college when he begins to have some “fun” time with Mrs. Robinson. Mrs. Robinson is a very recognizable name, but even more recognizable is a scene she and ben share. This movie came out shortly after the movie rating scale we all know. This means that it was very sexual at times.                                                            


A few recognizable quotes are-
·         "Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me. Aren't you?"
·         "Plastics."
·         "Mrs. Robinson"
The one in the middle may seem a little out there but trust me listen to some dialogue of your favorite movies. You might be surprised. I’m just coming remembering that I haven’t voiced my opinion. I personally think that this is a very well-crafted movie with a soundtrack that goes along with it really well. There are a few moments, when it can be a little to sexual, but then Ben messes something up and provides comical relief.
Here is a list of some major roles in the film
·         Anne Bancroft as Mrs. Robinson
·         Dustin Hoffman as Benjamin Braddock
·         Katharine Ross as Elaine Robinson
·         William Daniels as Mr. Braddock
·         Murray Hamilton as Mr. Robinson
·         Elizabeth Wilson as Mrs. Braddock
Many scenes are recognizable in this movie from, the hotel to the church scene, and her leg on the chair.
As we get father into the movie we start to hear more and more of Elaine Robinson, a childhood friend. But this is a major part of the movie, so I’m not going to give too much of that away.  Overall I give this movie a 5 out of 6.
Pros- Excellent scene flow, Dialogue is great, Sound track well worth it, Quotes definitely remembered, Amazing actors, Director did a great job over all.
Cons- I will let you decide for yourself it just was missing a few elements I would have enjoyed

*Actors, Pictures, Links are all thanks to Wikipedia*


Ed Gein, the inspiration for many other horror films.

I have never been a huge fan of horror movies. That being said I'm going to continue on with this review of Psycho. This is thee father to all horror films. This being said the basis of this particular film was a man named Ed Gein. ===>

In psycho we meet Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates, Janet Leigh as Marion Crane,Vera Miles as Lila Crane. These three have become well known because of this one movie the names usually go hand in hand. From the very beginning we get an idea of the social mentality of the time period, how women shouldn't have a mind of there own basically. This is properly shown by the leading actress Janet Leigh, when she is on the run from the cops and any other purser she may encounter. But as rain starts to become heavy she is forced to stay at the Bates motel. Here is when the movie starts to become some what interesting to me. I found myself trying to unravel the mystery of who Norman Bates was this occupied a majority of my time during this movie along with, trying to get over that the toilet scene was the reason this movie was almost banned from theaters.

You begin to get and idea who Norman is through some of his lines such as-"We all go a little mad sometimes."
  1. "Old habits die hard."
  2. "This place happens to be my world."
  3. "Mom, there is blood everywhere!"
  4. "A boy's best friend is his mother."
  5.  "We all go a little mad sometimes."
These are just a couple that stood out to me.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012